Supreme commander forged alliance tipps
Supreme commander forged alliance tipps

sin tee builds: Every one of their builds are great imo. The build you linked basically caters towards 16+, which kinda doesn't make it a good build, because at that point nobody will struggle anymore really (2017) Divinity Original Sin 2 Immortal Pure Necromancer-FOR DONATIONS:Patreon. A build that needs hit and run to work is not a working build. The Blood Mage uses high Intelligence and Warfare to rain death upon its enemies Also I dont think that works outside of LW, my build possible to play solo w/o LW. See the talk page for more info.Home Divinity Original Sin 2 Necromancer buildĭivinity Original Sin 2 Build for the Blood Mage (Necromancer). Let the user understand the strategy, so that he or she may best apply it. Please do not express yourself in terms of "steps", and do not tell the user to "Build 5 ML". GameReplays has closed their SupCom portal, but you can look at older versions (2009 or earlier) of via the Internet Archive: Wayback Machine.SB-SCUing - an effective but expensive strategy.Atlantis Game Ender - A strategy for Naval Blitzkrieg.SCU-"Specialized Combat Unit" kill strategy.Power Projection, or "Why the Carrier is Much More Useful than it Seems".TML strike of at least 3 TML on standing ACU without TMD.Cybran Teleport Microwave Laser kill strategy.Using such a strategy to try and kill someone is called sniping

supreme commander forged alliance tipps

Kill strategies are specific techniques to kill the enemy ACU, other than the obvious strategy of attacking with overwhelming land forces.

  • UEF Davy Crockett strategy - a strategy using the UEF commander tactical nuke.
  • How to use the Seraphim Restoration Field upgrades without causing game imbalance.
  • Cybran Stealth attack strategy - A strategy for Cybran mix units.
  • Naval Supremacy - a strategy for using water units to gain control early.
  • supreme commander forged alliance tipps

    Mixed arms - a strategy for using a mix of UEF units.

    supreme commander forged alliance tipps

  • Attack Submersibles using Attack Ground Command.
  • SEAD (Suppression of Enemy Air Defense) Strike.

  • Supreme commander forged alliance tipps